Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So far this blogging adventure is off to a slow start, I apologize! Jarrett and I have been very busy with play practice for our neighborhood Shakespearean play and a trip to Atlanta this past weekend for the wedding of some dear friends of ours.

Since we've been so busy, we haven't been doing much around town, but I've been wanting to share with you a few pictures of some lovely flowers I picked up from 2nd Street Market a few weeks ago. One way to certainly make any home sweeter is a fresh bouquet of flowers sitting around the house...and you don't have to wait for a special occasion! Every day is an occasion for bringing the beauty of the outdoors in. If you have a local farmer's market, that is a great place to pick up some inexpensively. I grabbed these one day on my lunch break and it made me so happy! I also have been known to clip a few stalks off the overgrown Russian Sage bush in our front yard and plop them in a vase for instant beauty and fragrance to our dining room.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cheap Date!

This past Saturday morning my husband and I wanted to get out and enjoy this fantastic weather we've been having, so we set out for a game of frisbee golf at Indian Riffle park. All it cost us was the "special" frisbee golf frisbees we purchased several years ago. However, if you aren't wanting to be a pro frisbee golfer, the simple every day frisbees should do the trick as well! Our dog, Spencer, joined us for the fun outing and absolutely loved his morning hike around the course! It is a great date activity for those who are competitive as well as those who just want to get outside and enjoy the weather. The course at Indian Riffle leads you through a woods, to the crest of a grassy hill, and past a sparkling pond complete with ducks! Beware of the pond if you are not an avid frisbee thrower... your frisbee may vere off course into the pond, and you may have to do a little swimming! This particular trip, my husband, Jarrett, practiced his mad skills while I kept track of Spencer, but maybe next time we'll go for some friendly competition. I may need some practice of my own before then!
For equipment to play check out: http://www.frisbeedisc.com/products/golf/3pack.html (I think you can pick these up at your local sporting goods store as well).
For places to play in the Dayton area in addition to Indian Riffle check out the Dayton Disc Golf Association website: http://www.daytondiscgolf.org/courses.html